Saturday, 8 June 2024

Recycling of banana waste leaf into plates by women in kasese uganda

The 40 women was trained in manufacturing plates from banana waste fibre and this will create enterprenuers,job creators and increase food security . It will ecourage plantation farming and banana platations that will mitigate climate change in Kasese Uganda.

Human Rights,gender equality and domestic violence mitigation

Human rights training was made by Act women foundation Uganda from funds of MSV Germany. The over 40 women recieved skills in human rights,gender justice and domestic violance management. It was conducted in Low price Hotel in Kidodo Kasese Uganda

Training in Human rights,Gender equity and equality funded by MSV Germany

Human rights training was made by Act women foundation Uganda from funds of MSV Germany. The over 40 women recieved skills in human rights,gender justice and domestic violance management.


The 40 women and girls were trained in HIV/AIDS.



MSV German and Act women foundation Uganda may Reieved funding to enhnace intergated fibbre waste management into plates and promote economic empowerment among women. The over 40 women in Kasese were trained in HIV/AIDS and women economic empowerment that will cause change in gender equity and equality.

Banana Waste recycling into plates

Recycling of waste banana leaf into plates will lead to creation of jobs and fight poverty among rural poor women. Kasese western Uganda has banana waste leaves and this will be utilised in profitable business.The funds from MSV Germany will create over 40 jobs and enterprenuers in Kasese Uganda.

To empower 30 women And girls in Manufacturing plates from Areca leaf w...

The over 40 women and girls have been trained in recycling banana leaves into disposible plates,human rights and marketing to fight poverty and create jobs. The funding was obtained from Marrie-schei Germany.