Tuesday, 7 November 2023


project Title:To ensure Improvement in recycling old car tires into foot wear for rural people in Uganda enhance skills development for street children The proposed vocational innovation transforms wasted tires into footwear, avoids the pollution from each burned tire which is equivalent to the usage of a regular car during a whole year, and provides employment to indigenous women and street children in Uganda. The funds are requested to facilitate the moblisation, trainng of 100 women and street children between 14 -30 years in Kasese to access vocational skills development for self reliance. The proposed project is vocational skills development and combat pollution and pollutants in Uganda.This will create jobs and local enterprenuers in urban slums. The proposed project will help in recycling of over 1000 old car waste tires and process them into foot wear for rural population to increase jobs and entrepreneurs to slum areas in Uganda that will reduce plastic and tire pollution in urban areas. Specific objectives are: i. The 100 women and street children will be trained in recycling old car tires into foot wear for rural people ii. iii. It will improve access to jobs creation and generate incomes to street children and women iv. It will solve problems of urban pollution and climate change control v. Increase women in economic empowerment to marketing these products to rural people in western Uganda. TAGET GROUP: 100 STREET CHILDREN AND ORPHANED GIRLS(WOMEN) BUDGET 12000 DONERS 9000

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